While it was beneficial for consumers who wanted to order a small item for their home without paying huge tariffs, it was greatly overutilized by the fast-fashion industry. Shipments under $800 rose ...
The company will wind down the business in the U.S. while determining if it can continue with a partner, or if it will sell some or all of its assets.
Forever 21 has filed for bankruptcy for the second time in nearly six years and is 'winding down' US operations.
It’s true the government consumes lots of money. Currently, its primary source of revenue other than debt is the income tax, ...
As tariffs are hitting retailers and forcing some to raise their prices, both companies are still able to use the de minimis exemption after the Trump administration temporarily paused its plan to ...
Aby prawidłowo wypełnić formularz "Wzór informacji o pomocy", przedsiębiorcy powinni wskazać wysokość uzyskanej pomocy (pomocy publicznej, pomocy de minimis lub pomocy de minimis w rolnictwie lub ...
Czy rolnik ryczałtowy ma obowiązek złożenia oświadczenia o pomocy de minimis za energię elektryczną do 28 lutego r.? Takie pytanie przesłaliśmy do MRiRW, MKiŚ, a nawet do rzecznika MŚiP. Niestety ...
Few of the factory owners in this ramshackle part of Guangzhou in southern China have any idea what the “de minimis exemption” is or how it affects the level of tariffs their products face ...
When the White House announced China would no longer be able to benefit from the de minimis exemption that allowed packages valued under $800 to be imported duty free, the air cargo industry was left ...
Obecnie obowiązująca ustawa, przy naliczaniu okresu sumującego pomoc de minimis, bierze pod uwagę bieżący rok podatkowy i dwa poprzednie lata podatkowe. Co się zmieni? Po dostosowaniu przepisów ...
The landing page revealed the As Ever logo, which PEOPLE understands is a tribute to Prince Harry. The logo incorporates a palm tree as a nod to the Duke and Duchess’s home in California ...