Over the years, various societies have witnessed the coronation of individuals with questionable character, whose conduct in office has left many bewildered.
Gary Hogan wants you to know that while the Elks’ light may be temporarily dimmed due to the sale and demolition of their ...
Officers from the Ontario Elks Lodge recently visited the Pasadena Elks Lodge to present a donation to help those affected by the Eaton fire in Altadena.
This is the fifth year that Elks Lodge No. 418 has provided hunger relief to the Project RISE Food Pantry through the ENF ...
Elks of Arkansas recently honored Hot Springs Lodge 380 member Mike Muldoon by voting to rename the annual State Hoop Shoot ...
Elks Lodge 2887 in Canyon will sponsor a brisket dinner on Feb. 22 as one of several upcoming community projects and events.
A Past Exalted Rulers Night was celebrated last evening in the Lansford Elks Lodge on East Ridge Street, honoring those who occupied the post’s top spot during a solemn ritual of the organization’s ...
Two Lake Hamilton High School students were recently honored by Elks Lodge 380 as part of its Outstanding Students program.
Hazleton Elks Lodge 200 recently donated $6000 to three local food pantries. Funds were used from an Elks National Foundation Beacon and Spotlight grants.
The Americanism Essay Contest is an annual contest held by the Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee to inspire the spirit of ...
Installation of officers and the Past Exalted Rulers Dinner was conducted March 26 at the Elks Lodge. Installed as 2011-12 International Falls Elks Lodge No. 1599 officers were: Tammy L. Lyon, Exalted ...