Directed by Seth Gordon, the film was released on Netflix earlier this month and marks Diaz’s first film since 2014’s Annie. But Back in Action has not been warmly received. At the time of writing, ...
Find out everything that goes down in the thrilling finale of the new Cameron Diaz spy action film, Back in Action.
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx were "finishing each other's sentences" on the set of 'Back in Action'. The 52-year-old actress ...
Spoilers below for anyone who hasn't yet streamed the new feature Back in Action with a Netflix subscription, so be ...
What follows are Foxx’s five very best films, at least according to critics whose reviews are featured on Rotten Tomatoes.
The actors had each other’s backs as she returned to the screen and he recovered from a stroke, according to director Seth Gordon.
Back in Action' director Seth Gordon tells PEOPLE in an exclusive interview that Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx supported each ...
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx's crowd-pleasing 'Back in Action' has debuted at the top of the Netflix chart around the world.