The global non-vascular stents market is on track for substantial expansion, with projections indicating a market value of USD 1,408.7 million in 2025, soaring to USD 2,338.8 million by 2035.
Gallbladder cancer, a highly aggressive disease, often goes undiagnosed until advanced stages due to nonspecific symptoms and ...
Gastrointestinal Stents Market. The global gastrointestinal stents market is experiencing robust growth, with the latest industry analysis projecting it to reach USD 815.34 millio ...
Cod liver oil is a type of fish oil supplement with numerous health benefits. It is rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants. Share on Pinterest Getty Images/Evgeniia Siiankovskaia Like ...
CT of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a large subcapsular and subdiaphragmatic liver haematoma, liver capsule tear, and free intraperitoneal fluid. Laparotomy revealed significant intraperitoneal ...
Liver disease is just one of the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. This is especially serious because liver failure can be fatal. Alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) is caused by ...
Although angioplasty or stenting may increase secondary patency in people with acute obstruction due to DVT, the evidence is very uncertain; the evidence is also very uncertain about the effect of ...
Herbal and dietary supplements account for roughly 20% of liver toxicity cases nationwide, according to 2017 research published in the journal Hepatology.
Stage III ovarian cancer is when the cancer is not just found in one or both ovaries but has spread outside the pelvis to the abdomen, nearby lymph nodes, or the surface of your liver. About 60% ...
Liver cirrhosis is irreversible damage or scarring to the liver as a result of advanced liver disease (such as hepatitis) that stops the liver functioning, potentially leading to liver failure ...
Liver cancer can be hard to find early because signs and symptoms often do not appear until it is in its later stages. Small liver tumors are hard to detect on a physical exam because most of the ...