Outdoor gear, especially for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding, can be a big investment. If you’re looking to ...
Merrell’s Moab 3 Vista Mid Waterproof Hiking Boots are now on sale for $90, which is 40% off of the retail price of $150.
Hoka switched up the waterproof membrane for the Kaha 3’s and uses the Gore-Tex Invisible Fit. This GTX membrane is bonded to ...
Country Living (UK) on MSN5h
Your ultimate guide to hiking boots
Any seasoned rambler will know that a good pair of hiking boots is the key to a successful (not to mention, comfortable) ...
The Talus range is a rugged and reliable series of boots that can handle tricky terrain and inclement weather, but is still ...
Warnings that the Pacific Crest Trail could fall into disrepair come after thousands of jobs cut in the National Park Service ...