Sova is a valuable agent in Valorant whose skills can be optimized on the Lotus map. His Recon Bolts and Shock Dart lineups are crucial for gaining information and securing rounds. Essential ...
Sova is one of the best initiator agents in the game, and he is known for his ability to gather information, helping the team execute and retake sites with ease. Coming to a complex map like ...
Globalni trg televizorjev se nenehno razvija, z njim pa tudi tehnologije, ki omogočajo vse boljšo kakovost slike in uporabniško izkušnjo. Med najvidnejšimi inovacijami zadnjih let izstopa QLED ...
Valorant’s Russian Agent Sova is one of the most efficient Initiators in the game. Not only is he good at gathering information, but he’s also capable of singlehandedly eliminating enemies with his ...