President Donald Trump says he plans to dismantle The U.S. Department of Education. Some question how this would affect ...
A high school special education teacher explains how a simple visual prompt became an indispensable part of her classroom.
Of the 90 schools with disability pride clubs in New York City’s newly launched network, Stuyvesant High School’s is the ...
For at least a generation, the Bedford Public Schools’ special education practices and sensitivity have received accolades from families and educators.
Evan Abramson led the creation of an esports arena for students with autism spectrum disorder. It may be the first in the ...
Samantha Klemm has never wanted to be anything other than a special education teacher, and she’s never wanted to do it ...
Recognizing some of its students need a smaller learning environment, Kelloggsville opened two of its own autism spectrum ...
It was Harrison Cassada’s first day of preschool in one of Clark Early Learning Center’s preschool special education (PSE) ...
A Nuneaton school is set to make 'significant change' application to the Department for Education. This forms part of Queens ...
The article notes that Dr. Fuchs “is concentrating on academic outcomes” and acknowledges that inclusion may have ...
Columbus North basketball star Josh Speidel suffered a traumatic brain injury 10 years ago. He now teaches students how to ...
A new report recommends legislation that would increase special education funding in Connecticut by millions of dollars.