From torn pieces of paper, Nia Winslow constructs vibrant scenes that evoke togetherness and nostalgia in paper collages.
Artist Diane Zeeuw's "Plague of Fantasy," a collection of paintings, is now on display at the Mott Community College Fine ...
GSAPP’s Mario Gooden believes that architecture must fully engage with the cultural landscape.
For its first gallery of the new year, an Oakville community centre is displaying the steampunk art of teenage artist Brenton ...
As well as adding four quests, two songs, and some additional art and animations ... Sovereign Syndicate, a steampunk CRPG quietly released a year ago, is planning something similar.
If you’re ready to head 20,000 leagues under the sea, you’re probably primed to admire this Steampunk gaming PC build. This PC captures the vibes of the Jules Verne classic, matching an Intel ...
A machinist and fabricator by trade — hobbyist hacker by design — [spdltd] was commissioned to build a mechanical art installation with a steampunk twist. Having complete creative control ...