An internally validated simple scoring model using clinical factors successfully predicts the likelihood of detecting ...
Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on . Adenoma detection rate was more than 10% higher in the automatic quality control system (AQCS)-assisted group.
Researchers categorized colonoscopy findings into advanced adenomas (≥ 1 cm, high-grade dysplasia, or tubule-villous/villous histology), nonadvanced adenomas (< 1 cm without advanced histology ...
Opens in a new tab or window Share on LinkedIn. Opens in a new tab or window Advanced adenomas were associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality, a cohort study from Minnesota found.
These include often asymptomatic pituitary tumors (adenomas), Cushing's syndrome (caused by excess steroid use), and hypopituitarism, characterized by underactivity of the gland. The pea-sized ...
In the current study, another noteworthy polyp examined is a villous adenoma with an area of invasive adenocarcinoma, as evidenced by irregular, back-to-back glands infiltrating through the muscularis ...
Conclusions: Male gender, age, and FIT Hb concentration are predictors of risk of advanced adenoma and colorectal cancer and can be used to prioritize colonoscopy in patients with suspected advanced ...