AB-1333, a law that would have changed what qualifies as self-defense, was pulled due to public pressure and District Attorneys calling out the proposed legislation as part of a ...
The Southern California Democrat who proposed banning the Castle doctrine – or using lethal force to defend your home – has ...
A law proposed by a Los Angeles-area Democrat that would have narrowed the scope of when someone could use lethal force in an act of self-defense has been withdrawn, the bill’s sponsor ...
Assemblymember and Democratic Caucus Chair Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) has withdrawn his bill to redefine allowable homicide in self defense saying fear and confusion has created a false impression ...
A California bill targeting self-defense loopholes is being withdrawn over 'misleading information.' CALIFORNIA, USA — A California bill aimed at closing a legal loophole related to self-defense ...
“Protecting public safety has always been my top priority. AB 1333 sought to close a dangerous legal loophole that could allow armed aggressors to initiate confrontations in public, kill their ...
Assemblymember Rich Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) said Wednesday he was withdrawing the bill. AB 1333 stirred fears from critics that it could create confusion about when the use of deadly force is ...