Doom developers frequently go back to the seminal shooter from 1993 for inspiration, so much so that it even inspired the ...
The Dark Ages went all the way back to the original game to find inspiration for the latest entry in the series.
Doom is already a pretty metal series. Hell, flames, the damn music, demons getting turned inside out - that kinda thing. But ...
Doom: The Dark Ages will let you rip and tear through some of the series' largest spaces "ever made," but worry not – id Software knows you don't want to spend "two hours" on a single level.
A recent interview reveals a surprising Batman influence on DOOM: The Dark Ages and how it shaped the upcoming title.
Doom: The Dark Ages is taking things back to a more grounded time for the series. We saw that in the gameplay reveal, but the ...
Doom: The Dark Ages developers wanted to settle on the medieval setting for the game because it opens up even more dark ...
The rating in question comes from the IMDA. They’re not the ESRB, but they did break down Doom The Dark Ages and explained just how much “gory fun” you’ll have in the title: ...
Doom: The Dark Ages will let you rip and tear through some of the series' largest spaces "ever made," but worry not – id Software knows you don't want to spend "two hours" on a single level.
Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has slapped an M18 rating on DOOM The Dark Ages, which probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has played a DOOM game.