On this day in 1966, Bechuanaland declares its independence, and becomes the Republic of Botswana.
And many patients who wind up with the label of bipolar disorder are initially misdiagnosed with unipolar depression. Misdiagnosed patients like Ola often look back on years of worsening symptoms and ...
It radically shifted the way the world looked at the environment, but created a wave of misinformation we’re still dealing with today.
Though the marriage didn’t work out, my ex is a good guy, and we co-parent well, with split custody and no fights over it.
As a “secret society,” it has been the target of large-scale conspiracy theories, immortalized by The Illuminatus! Trilogy ...
My husband is from a traditional culture. Women and men have separate roles and men support the family, or it’s a huge source ...
My husband “Brian” and I have two sons, “Caleb,” 11, and “Alex,” 14. My husband is the quintessential extroverted jock, and Caleb takes after his dad in that regard. Alex, however, has always been a ...
Donald Trump has some thoughts on the mayor’s indictment.
Man, you sing a few songs about being a lesbian, and not a single person can be normal about you ever again. But since she’s been asked about how she plans on voting in the upcoming presidential ...
My daughter just started third grade. To see the kids on her class list, I got out her second-grade yearbook and discovered that someone (not her, she insists) crossed off the names of a bunch of ...
My sister is in the process of getting her second divorce and moved in with me. She has a 14-year old daughter and a 10-year-old son. My daughter is 7 and more independent than the pair of them.