The importance of breastfeeding for a woman’s and child’s health has been well established. For example, babies who are not breastfed have an increased risk of infection (e.g. gastrointestinal, ...
Breastfeeding has occurred over aeons. It’s normal for our species. Many of us know breastmilk is important to support a baby’s immune system. Some of us are aware that not breastfeeding increases the ...
A nuchal cord or a cord around the neck — is one of many things mothers-to-be fear about childbirth. The thought of your baby being ‘strangled’ by the umbilical cord can cause so much worry.
There are occasions when mothers may have used some formula supplementation, particularly in the early weeks, and then decide they want to wean off formula from their baby. This is certainly possible ...
Nipple pain is a common breastfeeding problem, especially in the early weeks. Most mothers overcome early nipple pain and go on to breastfeed for many months or even years. There are many causes of ...
Birth is a normal physiological process which our body is designed to do. It’s part of our natural reproductive life cycle. In most situations, especially when there aren’t any unnecessary ...
Having a baby is one of those pivotal moments in your life – all of a sudden your world spins on its axis and you see everything in a new light. You may find that your priorities shift and that ...
Here are a collection of induction and augmentation baby birth stories that have been generously shared by BellyBelly members. If you would like to contribute your induction or augmentation birth ...
Feeling a little tired, lethargic or just plain old ‘meh’ lately? Why not take advantage of your Superwoman sense of smell and enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits associated with essential oil use ...
You’re 20 weeks pregnant. Congratulations! You’re halfway through your pregnancy. Focus on relationships and getting those vital scans and blood tests at 20 weeks pregnant. Week 20 is also a good time ...
You’ve just found out you’re pregnant. Whether you were planning a pregnancy or it was an unexpected surprise, you probably now have lots of questions. It’s such an exciting time and your brain is ...
Pregnancy can be a time of joy and excitement about what’s to come. It can also be worrying, for many and various reasons. It’s difficult to not worry at all when you’re pregnant. After all, you can’t ...