日本警察厅公布的数据显示,2024年1月至4月全国社交媒体投资诈骗的上报件数为2508件,损失金额达334.3亿日元;与前一年同期相比,数量增加了7.4倍,损失金额增加了8.4倍。尤其是最近数月急剧增长,3月的损失金额达98.1亿日元,4月更是达到了 ...
Tokyo, Sept. 27 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Sony Group Corp. and some other existing shareholders will make additional investments in Rapidus Corp., which aims for domestic production of next-generation ...
【台北共同】台湾の団体、台湾消費者保護協会は27日、小林製薬の紅こうじ原料を使った製品を摂取後に体調 ...
【ニューヨーク共同】イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相は27日、米ニューヨークで開かれている国連総会の一般討 ...
岸田文雄首相の後継を決める自民党総裁選は27日、党本部で投開票され、石破茂元幹事長(67)が決選投票で、第1回投票で ...
Tokyo, Sept. 27 (Jiji Press)--New Liberal Democratic Party President Shigeru Ishiba on Friday hinted at dissolving the House of Representatives for a snap election after holding a parliamentary ...
【ブリュッセル共同】アイルランドのデータ保護委員会(DPC)は27日、米IT大手メタ(旧フェイスブッ ...
Tokyo, Sept. 27 (Jiji Press)--Plaintiffs in litigation seeking the legalization of dual surnames for married couples voiced hopes about the views of Shigeru Ishiba, the next president of Japan's ...
Tokyo, Sept. 27 (Jiji Press)--SBI Holdings Inc. announced Friday the dissolution of its partnership with Taiwan’s Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. for the construction of a chip ...
Tokyo, Sept. 27 (Jiji Press)--Shigeru Ishiba, newly elected president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party who is all but certain to become prime minister, may face tensions with the United ...