Between every number lies an infinity—now AI puts that boundless potential in our hands, transforming how we think and create ...
When your adult child constantly challenges you, it’s easy to feel exhausted and defeated—but with the right tools, you can ...
Parents often yearn for love, appreciation, and meaningful connections with their children. Interestingly, the process of ...
Academic intelligence alone is inadequate to manage AI. We need a higher level of intelligence to find personal meaning and ...
Are you afraid of your child? If so, your parenting is almost certainly compromised. Learn how to strengthen your role as ...
The murders of a CEO and a homeless man in New York City have created folk heroes, but also indicate a breakdown in the trust ...
In a first therapy session, when clients are asked what they want to accomplish, they may mention fantasies or desire, but ...
Ever wonder why January is the season of resolutions? We all love a blank slate, don't we? Let's harness the benefits of the ...
In a complex multi-movement therapy program, a severely brain-injured boxer achieved standing, walking, running, and ...
Artificial intelligence innovation and collaboration show promise for advancing mental health care through improving access, ...
North Carolina invests in a mental health crisis transportation program that provides non-law enforcement transport from ...
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into mental health care is revolutionizing how mental health services are ...