Kansas City-area residents may be alarmed to hear that Wyandotte County is at the epicenter of the largest recorded tuberculosis outbreak in U.S. history, according to state health officials.
Emails show behind-the-scenes conflict as the Kansas City-area tuberculosis outbreak grew to one of the largest in U.S. history. The county's health director is no longer with the agency as of Tuesday ...
Emails show health department officials argued over basic things like office space during a major tuberculosis outbreak in ...
60 people in Wyandotte County; seven in Johnson County. "The current Kansas City, Kan. Metro tuberculosis outbreak is the largest documented outbreak in U.S. history, presently (since the 1950's ...
"Emails show health department officials argued over basic things like office space during a major tuberculosis outbreak in ...
KANSAS CITY, Kan. (KCTV) - Wyandotte County leaders say there is no reason to panic over reports that Kansas City, Kansas, has one of the largest documented TB outbreaks since the 1950s.
A deadly tuberculosis outbreak is spreading through Kansas ... Ground zero identified: Wyandotte County stands at the epicenter of this crisis, with 60 of the 67 active cases concentrated in ...
Virtually nothing is known about the Kansas tuberculosis outbreak. This disease surpassed COVID as the leading disease cause ...
The tuberculosis outbreak in the Kansas City area is not, in fact, the largest in U.S. history. But it does offer an ...
Health officials in Kansas have reported a tuberculosis outbreak in the northeastern ... Kansas has reported 60 active cases in Wyandotte County and seven active cases in Johnson County ...
The conflicts centered around things as basic as the use of Wyandotte County office space and escalated from there. The state ultimately took over the TB response as outbreak-related numbers ...
(KANSAS NEWS SERVICE) - The director of the Wyandotte County Public Health Department ... turmoil during the handling of the major tuberculosis outbreak, shown by emails obtained by the Kansas ...