Jesus Loves Me Uke tab by Anna B. Warner - Ukulele Tabs
Jesus Loves Me ukulele tablature by Anna B. Warner, chords in song are C,F,G (easy).
Jesus Loves Me Ukulele - ULTIMATE GUITAR
Apr 10, 2020 · We have an official Jesus Loves Me tab made by UG professional guitarists. Is this strumming pattern correct? [Verse 1] C Em Am Jesus loves me this I know, F C For the Bible tells me...
Jesus Loves Me Ukulele - tabs.ultimate-guitar.com
We have an official Jesus Loves Me tab made by UG professional guitarists. Is this strumming pattern correct? [Verse 1] C Jesus loves me this I know, F C For the Bible tells me so. C Little...
JESUS LOVES ME CHORDS (ver 2) by Misc Praise Songs for guitar, ukulele …
Oct 23, 2024 · We have an official Jesus Loves Me tab made by UG professional guitarists. Is this strumming pattern correct? [Verse] G Jesus Loves me, this I know. C G For the Bible tells me so. G...
Jesus Loves Me , ukulele chords - guitar-uke.com
Jun 21, 2023 · G C Yes Jesus Loves me. G D G For the bible tells me so G Jesus loves me! He who died C G Heaven’s gate to open wide; G He will wash away my sin, C G D G Let His little child come in.
Jesus Loves Me Uke tab by Anna B. Warner - Ukulele Tabs
Top Tabs & Chords by Anna B. Warner, don't miss these songs! No information about this song. Did you cover Jesus Loves Me on your Ukulele? Share your work!
Jesus Loves Me Ukulele by Christian - Worship Chords - Ver 2
Verse : C C Jesus Loves me, this I know. F C For the Bible tells me so. C C Little ones to him belong. F C G C They are wea.
Jesus Loves Me by Anna B. Warner ukulele tabs at PlayUkuleleNET
Tabs and chords for ukulele of Jesus Loves Me by Anna B. Warner at PlayUkuleleNET, a 100% free source of favorite ukulele songs!
Jesus Loves Me Ukulele by Christian - Worship Chords
A# Jesus Loves me, this I know. A# A# For the Bible tells me so. A# Little ones to him belong. A# A# C A# They are weak, but he is strong.
Jesus Loves Me Ukulele by Christian - Worship Chords - Ver 3
G Jesus Loves me, this I know. C G For the Bible tells me so. G Little ones to him belong. C G D G They are weak, but he is strong.