Stage Lighting Store
Stage Lighting Store is the largest online Stage Lighting Catalog. Javascript is disabled on your browser. To view this site, you must enable JavaScript or upgrade to a JavaScript-capable …
Fixtures - Stage Light Units | StageLightingStore
Theatrical stage lighting fixtures, also known as stage lighting units, are the paint brushes we use in creating the painting we put on stage. They vary in size, shape and output. Fundamentally …
Stage Lighting | StageLightingStore
Browse and buy stage light fixtures, lighting accessories, DMX and other controllers, cables, lamps, gel and all your theatrical needs.
LED Lighting Units | StageLightingStore
Light Emitting Diodes (LED) fixtures are incredibly efficient and versatile. They have taken our industry by storm. Lighting Designers are always looking for artistic options and the LED …
Par Cans - StageLightingStore
The oval ones could be rotated to adjust which way you wanted the light to go. Today, while we still call these conventional fixtures "par cans," similar-use LED fixtures have also been …
Fresnels - StageLightingStore
A theatrical fresnel is a soft edged circle of light that can zoom in size from spot to flood by changing the relationship of the lamp with the interior reflector. They are simplistic fixtures that …
ETC Lighting Fixtures | StageLightingStore
ETC Lighting Fixtures are incredibly well known for their innovation and quality. ÊAs our theatrical world continues to expand in technology the switch from conventional lighting fixtures to LED …
Ellipsoidals - StageLightingStore
An ellipsoidal, also known as a leko, is the workhorse of the stage lighting world of fixtures. With this versatile instrument, you can get many different uses from one single fixture. You can …
Gel / Color Filters - StageLightingStore
Theatrical lights traditionally produce white light. Through the magic of gel filters, we have the ability to change that color. Most gels are available in sheets (generally 20" x 24"), rolls, or …
ETC - StageLightingStore
ETC creates the most comprehensive theatrical lighting control systems available with emphasis on control and fixtures. Noted for its unrivaled customer & technical service, ETC has 300 …