Mass LTC Question | Massachusetts Cop Forum
Oct 12, 2012 · It just recently expired a few months ago 7/2012. I was wondering if anyone knew if an Special State Police Officer can carry on the badge and secondly can a College Police Department process my LTC, I know the department I use to work for could of processed my LTC, instead I had in done in my hometown. Thanks, I appreciate any feedback..
LTC application question | Massachusetts Cop Forum
Sep 17, 2024 · They just download your driver’s license/state ID photo and import that, I don’t know of any department that still takes LTC photos (except MSP for non-resident applicants). Interviews are not required, although individual chiefs may want them. BTW, it will likely take more than 8 weeks, my latest renewal took almost 5 months.
Expired LTC - Legal question | Massachusetts Cop Forum
Sep 17, 2009 · Unfortunately, he let his LTC expire. I am in possession of his handgun and my LTC is current. From what I've read, he can only sell it if he possesses a valid license. It seems that the only way he can sell it to me is to re-apply for his LTC first. Is there another legal way to execute this sale? He no longer shoots so he has no need to renew ...
One LTC for all states! - Massachusetts Cop Forum
Feb 16, 2004 · LTC for all states I agree - A MA LTC (which has more stringent cirteria than Brady and Lautenburg require) should be honored in all states. In an abundance of caution, I have out of state (non-resident) licenses in NH, Maine, CT, and RI. (it's a pain in the #&* to go through the procedures to get/renew them).
How to determine if litecoin address is valid - Stack Overflow
May 9, 2014 · for mainnet ltc addresses /^([LM3]{1}[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{26,33}||ltc1[a-z0-9]{39,59})$/; if you don't want to understand the details you can skip the rest of the part. Breaking it down. For regular addresses [LM3]{1} address will start with L, M or 3, {1} defines that only match one character in square bracket /[13]{1}[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]/
MA LTC Pin Number? - Massachusetts Cop Forum
Nov 26, 2008 · MA LTC Pin Number? Jump to Latest 15K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by Goose Nov 27, 2008
LTC restriction - Massachusetts Cop Forum
Nov 14, 2014 · My LTC was upgraded to employment purposes, and the restrictions now simply read "employment". I am on call a good amount of the time and like to keep a lot of my gear in the car when I am on the move, and it is easier for me to carry concealed a good amount of the time ( I also prefer to carry concealed).
Get BTC prices on Google Sheets from Google Finance
Jul 13, 2017 · 2022-05-04, the following works on Google Sheets: =googlefinance("CURRENCY:USDBTC") as well as most combinations of currency and BTC (and ETH, LTC, BNB, XRP, XLM, and ADA), for example GBPBTC and JPYBTC.
How to install specific version of Visual Studio 2022
May 13, 2022 · I want to install a specific version of Visual Studio, but don't know how, specifically version 17.0. All my search result is just release notes, can't install.
Weapons - Massachusetts Cop Forum
Mar 6, 2012 · GUNS! WHEN DO WE GET GUNS???? MGL Chapter 147 Section 8A: Section 8A. A sheriff, any of his deputies, and any officer of any institution under the supervision of a sheriff if so authorized by him, the commissioner of correction, and the deputy commissioners and any other officer of the department of correction or of any institution under its supervision if so authorized by said commissioner ...