Salami SpA | Componenti Oleodinamici | Valvole, Pompe, Motori, …
Salami SpA is not solely an italian company, but mainly one of the italian engineering excellences in the hydraulic power market applied to mobile systems. APPLICATIONS
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Overview - Salami
Salami S.p.A. is not solely an italian company, but mainly one of the italian engineering excellences in the hydraulic power market applied to mobile systems. Founded in Modena in 1956, Salami S.p.A. has steadily grown through specific guidelines to reach today’s goal of being identified as a top-level
Pumps and motors - Salami SpA | Componenti Oleodinamici
Salami SpA provides a large selection of hydraulic pumps and external gear motors with aluminum or cast iron bodies. These may be used either in standard configurations, multiple combinations or customized configurations.
3PE | Salami SpA | Fluid Power Components
Salami SpA: società a socio unico. Sede legale e amm.va: Via Emilia Ovest 1006, 41123 Modena registro imprese n. 03236400366 di Modena rea n 370366 di Modena capitale sociale €5.500.000,00 i.v. Call us now: +39. 059.387.411
Salami SpA | Componenti Oleodinamici | Valvole, Pompe, Motori, …
Il prestigio del marchio Salami, fondato da Giuseppe Salami nel 1956, è dato dai valori che contraddistinguono il Made in Italy. Progettiamo, fabbrichiamo e confezioniamo componenti e sistemi idraulici ed elettronici in Italia.
Directional Control Valves - Salami SpA | Componenti …
Salami’s valves are suited for specialized applications for a variety of industrial equipment such as diggers, rubber coated backhoes, tractors, agricultural equipment, tow trucks, cranes as well as for more general applications for trucks, fork-lift trucks, drills and drilling machines.
Branches - Salami SpA | Componenti Oleodinamici | Valvole, …
Discover Salami worldwide branches. Salami Hydraulics NA Inc. 4630 Crossroads Park Drive Liverpool NY, 13088 Ph.: 001-315-295-2363 Fax: 001-315-295-2364 E-Mail: [email protected] - [email protected] . Website: www.salamihydraulics.com. The branch was established in 2002.
SALAMI gear pumps are available with displacements from 1.4 cm 3/rev to 99 cm /rev (from 0.09 cu.in/rev to 6.03 cu.in/rev). Multiple pumps can always be relized combining stages taken from different or same series.
Company - Salami SpA | Componenti Oleodinamici | Valvole, …
The undisputed quality of the Salami brand (certified since 1998), confirms that the Company is based on flexibility, constant investments and human resources valorization thus aquiring an increasingly important role on the most developed international markets.
142 _Technical Catalogue www.salami.it E 0.100.0423.02.01 IM 02 GEAR MOTORS CAST IRON SERIES 2MGE/MG330 Made in Italy 001-WO1 Nr 1 3/2020 Product short description Build Order Number (for Salami management) Batch Serial Number 2MGE19D-P28P1 614670067 - - - - - - Rot. Identification Label Salami Manufacturing Part Number Manufacturing Date ...