A powerhouse of intellectual enlightenment and a champion of modernity, Queen Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach was a ...
The Calcutta Cup is the trophy presented to the winner of the England versus Scotland rugby union match which takes place during the annual Six Nations Championship – also currently known as the ...
Discover the story of St. Amphibalus, the saint named after a cloak, whose shrine lies in St. Albans Cathedral, and that of ...
Mention the Great Train Robbery and everyone assumes that you mean the one in 1963, when a group of robbers including Ronnie Biggs, held up the Glasgow to London mail train. However there was another ...
Christmas is now firmly behind us but we still find ourselves in the depths of a bleak midwinter, at least if you live in the northern hemisphere. Here in the UK, we are in the grip of a January cold ...
Welcome to Historic UK’s Living History Events Diary! One of the most enjoyable ways to experience history first hand is to attend one of the many Living History re-enactments taking place this year.
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Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting and on Shrove ...
John Gray joined the Edinburgh Police Force as a night watchman in 1850. To keep him company through the winter nights John took a partner, a diminutive Skye Terrier, called Bobby. Together they ...
The last Sunday before Advent is ‘Stir-up Sunday’, the day when traditionally families gather together to prepare the Christmas pudding. This year that will be Sunday 23rd November 2025. The day does ...